Options 101 Course

In the Market Place - Traded Options

Placing your Order

  • Trades can be placed either online of offline, depending on your broker account.
  • Use the Strategy Guides to assist you in placing your spread orders over the telephone quickly, efficiently and accurately.  By knowing what to say and how to say it clearly, concisely and correctly you will help save both your time, the broker's time and ensure that there are no misunderstandings.
  • Make sure you fill in the right figures and have them in writing before picking up the phone to place your order.  Then simply read out the order to the broker with your limit order prices.
  • Because option pricing is not always "clean", it is preferable to place a limit order, particularly on spreads.  This will ensure that you will be filled at your specified price or not at all.  By using the limit order function you can overwrite the market prices in order to base your calculations on your preferred limit order on any strategy and then see the results of your limit order risk profile.

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